●Sometimes we don't need people to make ourself happy●
An easily confused girl who talks at the speed of a train and walks too slowly;
unpredictable and my mood often changes like the weather;
a diehard fan of titanic, hindustan and all funny stuffs;
dreams of finding her half-blood prince;
often talks to her stuffed toys but always makes the same wish at 1111;
loves someone who love me hihi.
assalamualaikum . hurm act nothing to share . HUHU . saye tak bole tido ohh >< dunno nih knp . padahal tengah hari td tak tido kod . hergg . td kena marah dgn wan sebap asyik mengadap ntbook --' ppe pon . wajib bgtau nih . see my blog !! da change kan . yaa . saye lg suke design yg cm gini . simple , tak serabot mate hang nak pandang blog cek nih . dpd blog nih dok design tak abeh abeh tp habok takkde post wtpe kan . nanti readers lari . nooo . //gedik lak\\ kayy jomm maen game coco girl . sorry no link . i'm love this game . HOHO . ramai says game ni utk kanak kanak ribena . nonsense . eley . game jea kod . matang sangad lha pade sape yg ckp game nih just tok bebudak . ala . utk pompuan jea . dpt kn permate , duet . erk ?? hurm . lebehh kurang lha . best sangad tu dak rr . just kalau hilang kan rase boring tuh bole . siap bole bg org hadiah ,pegi tmn permaian , beli barang dpd org , dtg rumah org laen . HEE . dah .. mcm nak promote kan pulak dah .. :\ heh .
buat semua muslimin dan muslimat .. kayy to jea . rajen-II lha jerit at my shoutmix :D . konferm dibace and dilayan . :D